• Welsh Corgi (9/2/2015)

    Perry Whittle (9/2/2015)

    Perry Whittle (8/31/2015)

    Welsh Corgi (8/31/2015)

    I'm going to have to start the SQL Server Agent Service.

    why did you stop it in the first place?

    What is the default size for your tempdb files and how many do you have?


    I have 1 and it is very small, 7182 MB.

    Everything is fine. I will moniter it and take corrective action as needed for the time being.

    I have bigger fish to fry.

    Thank you.

    There have been some useful queries posted here to help you find the culprit. Unfortunately, since you restarted the SQL Server service, your history is gone. This means you'll have to work with what you have and tune those or wait until the deadly one strikes again. Since you have so many procedures, many of which are probably in need of help, my guess is that you won't run out of things to do. 😉