Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies Calling a stored procedure from inside another SQL select statement RE: Calling a stored procedure from inside another SQL select statement

  • ITU_dk2012 (9/1/2015)

    @Ed Wagner

    Thank you so much for the link.


    I am not using any linked servers so not sure what to use. I recall that I have used OPENROWSET before but no luck.

    Is there anything else I can use instead of OPENROWSET?

    Thank you all.

    Im not 100% sure this would work when querying in SSRS as I havn't wrote any reports for a long time but, using sp_executesql may give you the desired results but the syntax is a little more complex.

    Below is a script i put together to call a replication validation stored procedure for every publication on a server which would give you some ideas on how to utilise it:



    -- Check if the temp table already exists, if it does drop it.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyPubs') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #MyPubs

    --Populate the temp table with Publications and Articles

    SELECTDISTINCT p.Publication,

    a.article AS Article,

    a.publisher_db AS Publisher

    INTO #MyPubs

    FROM Distribution..msarticles a (NOLOCK)

    JOIN Distribution..mssubscriptions s (NOLOCK) ON a.publication_ID = s.publication_ID

    JOIN Distribution..mspublications p (NOLOCK) ON s.publication_ID = p.publication_ID

    where s.subscriber_db<>'virtual'

    GROUP BY a.article, a.publisher_db, s.subscriber_db, p.Publication, a.source_object, a.destination_object

    ORDER BY a.article

    -- Create variables

    DECLARE @pub_db sysname,

    @pub varchar(255),

    @art varchar(max),

    @cmd nvarchar(4000),

    @procname varchar(255),

    @Parameters nvarchar(1000),

    @ReturnResult bit

    -- Check if the temp table already exists, if it does drop it.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ValidationResults') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #ValidationResults

    CREATE TABLE #ValidationResults (

    Publisher varchar(255),



    ValidationSuccessfull bit


    --Declare the cursor using the temp table as an input

    --!!!!not all cursors are bad!!!!, calling a procedure cannot be done

    --in a set based manner, hence an iterative loop is required.

    DECLARE cur_published CURSOR FOR

    SELECT Publisher, Publication, Article

    FROM #MyPubs

    --Open the cursor to begin processing the rows added to the cursor in the code above.

    OPEN cur_published

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_published INTO @pub_db, @pub, @art



    --For the current publication \ article generate the dynamic sql command for executing

    -- sp_article_validation, its sp_execute SQL so the result can be returned to variable for adding to the

    -- results table, the result message cannot be captured to the same table due to the design of the proc

    -- by Microsoft themselves.

    SELECT @procname = @pub_db + '..sp_article_validation'

    -- !!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! - In this line change the 3rd and 4th Parameters from 2,2 to 1,1

    -- If performance is poor, these are the parameter values for @rowcount_only and @full_or_fast respectively.

    SELECT @cmd = 'exec @ReturnResultOUT = ' + @procname + ' @pubIn, @artIn, 2,2,0,0'

    SELECT @Parameters = '@pubIn varchar(255), @artIn varchar(255), @ReturnResultOUT bit OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @cmd, @Parameters, @pubIn = @pub, @artIn = @art, @ReturnResultOut = @ReturnResult OUTPUT

    --Lastly load the entire result set to #ValidationResults for the procedure call

    --Include the publisher \ publication \ article and Message so you have all the necessary info.

    --AS sp_article_validation returns 0 for OK and 1 for their being issues I have flipped these for reporting in the log table.

    INSERT INTO #ValidationResults

    SELECT @pub_db, @pub, @art, CASE WHEN @ReturnResult = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    --Fetch the next article \ publication from the list to validate.

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur_published INTO @pub_db, @pub, @art


    CLOSE cur_published

    DEALLOCATE cur_published


    -- Check how validation went, for failures only add WHERE ValidationSuccessFull = 0

    SELECT * FROM #ValidationResults

    --WHERE ValidationSuccessFull = 0

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012