• If you don't want to import the spreadsheet, another "Quick & Dirty" option is to create an Excel formula like this...

    ="(" & A1 & ", '" & B1 & "'),"

    Then you can copy/paste the formula result into SSMS code that looks like this...

    UPDATE e SET e.Email = x.Email

    FROM dbo.Employees e


    <paste Excel formula results here>

    ) x (EmployeeID, Email)

    ON e.EmployeeID = x.EmployeeID;

    It'll look like this when the excel formula is pasted...

    UPDATE e SET e.Email = x.Email

    FROM dbo.Employees e


    (1, 'name1@Email.com'),

    (2, 'name2@email.com'),

    (3, 'name2@email.com')-- Make sure to remove the last coma

    ) x (EmployeeID, Email)

    ON e.EmployeeID = x.EmployeeID;