• Thanks Jeff for sharing your experiences. Experience is something that we can not find at supermarket, glad you share yours.

    It is an undeniable fact that DDL generated scripts are define inefficient objects in terms of resource consumption. In addition, the queries usually are prodigal.

    Another fact is that in real world time is short and an expensive resource to corporations. I still did not knew a DBA professional that had a job with soft pressure - to create and maintain databases.

    That probably explains why tools which purpose is helping DBAs are so shiny at our eyes.

    I can not give myself to the luxury of ignoring a tool that normally save two or three days of scripting.

    ORM tools are primarily oriented to productivity (development and - most important - maintenance) not to performance and consumption resource efficiency. They are not a good choice if you are unable to take the best from them and/or your company can not afford the price that comes with this choice.
