• Joe-420121 (8/29/2015)

    Hello Need T-SQL help, If numeric value then I could get is using PIVOT, but string value is there, what is best way, How to query this, thanks for your helps, Thanks for your valuable time, Thanks so much.

    the data and expected output as below. Please help,


    1, 'Col1', 1, 'I'

    1, 'Col1', 2, 'Love'

    1, 'Col1', 3, 'SQLservercentral'

    1 'col2' 1, 'sql'

    1 'col2' 2, 'server'

    1 'col2' 3, 'centrl'

    1 'col4' 1, 'Provides v'

    1 'col4' 2, 'ery Helpfull'

    1 'col6' 1, 'Ser'

    1 'col6' 2, 'vice.'

    2 'col1' 1, 'Thank You'

    2 'col1' 2, ',So much.'

    2 'col1' 3, 'For '

    2 'col3' 1, 'All your'

    2 'col3' 2, 'Helps'

    2 'col4' 1, 'Appreciated,'

    2 'col4' 2, 'Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.'


    ID Col1Col2Col3 Col4Col5Col6

    1 ILoveSQLserverCentrol sqlservercetrl ''provides very Helpfull ''Service

    2 Thank you, So much For ''All your helps Appreciated,Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

    You can still use the PIVOT operator. Or the old-school way of doing a pivot... either works. BTW, note how I put your data into code that inserts the test data into a table. You really should do this for us in the future.

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (ID INTEGER, Col CHAR(4), seq INTEGER, strdata VARCHAR(50));

    INSERT INTO @test-2 (ID, Col, seq, strdata)

    VALUES (1, 'Col1', 1, 'I' ),

    (1, 'Col1', 2, 'Love' ),

    (1, 'Col1', 3, 'SQLservercentral' ),

    (1, 'Col2', 1, 'sql' ),

    (1, 'Col2', 2, 'server' ),

    (1, 'Col2', 3, 'centrl' ),

    (1, 'Col4', 1, 'Provides v' ),

    (1, 'Col4', 2, 'ery Helpfull' ),

    (1, 'Col6', 1, 'Ser' ),

    (1, 'Col6', 2, 'vice.' ),

    (2, 'Col1', 1, 'Thank You' ),

    (2, 'Col1', 2, ',So much.' ),

    (2, 'Col1', 3, 'For ' ),

    (2, 'Col3', 1, 'All your' ),

    (2, 'Col3', 2, 'Helps' ),

    (2, 'Col4', 1, 'Appreciated,' ),

    (2, 'Col4', 2, 'Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.' );

    -- NEW SCHOOL: Use the PIVOT operator

    WITH cte AS


    -- for each ID/Col, get the strdata concatenated together

    SELECT t1.ID,


    MAX(ca.x) x

    FROM @test-2 t1

    -- See http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/comma+separated+list/71700/ for how this FOR XML syntax works

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT (SELECT strdata + ''

    FROM @test-2 t2

    WHERE t2.ID = t1.ID

    AND t2.Col = t1.Col

    ORDER BY t2.seq

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)')

    ) ca(x)

    GROUP BY t1.ID, t1.Col


    SELECT ID, [Col1], [Col2], [Col3], [Col4], [Col5], [Col6]

    FROM cte

    PIVOT (MAX(x) FOR Col IN ([Col1], [Col2], [Col3], [Col4], [Col5], [Col6])) AS PivotTable;

    -- OLD SCHOOL:

    WITH cte AS


    -- for each ID/Col, get the strdata concatenated together

    SELECT t1.ID,


    MAX(ca.x) x

    FROM @test-2 t1

    -- See http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/comma+separated+list/71700/ for how this FOR XML syntax works

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT (SELECT strdata + ''

    FROM @test-2 t2

    WHERE t2.ID = t1.ID

    AND t2.Col = t1.Col

    ORDER BY t2.seq

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)')

    ) ca(x)

    GROUP BY t1.ID, t1.Col



    ,Col1 = MAX(CASE WHEN Col = 'Col1' THEN x ELSE NULL END)

    ,Col2 = MAX(CASE WHEN Col = 'Col2' THEN x ELSE NULL END)

    ,Col3 = MAX(CASE WHEN Col = 'Col3' THEN x ELSE NULL END)

    ,Col4 = MAX(CASE WHEN Col = 'Col4' THEN x ELSE NULL END)

    ,Col5 = MAX(CASE WHEN Col = 'Col5' THEN x ELSE NULL END)

    ,Col6 = MAX(CASE WHEN Col = 'Col6' THEN x ELSE NULL END)

    FROM cte


    Both of these methods return the same result set:

    ID Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6

    -- --------------------- --------------- ------------- ----------------------------------- ---- --------

    1 ILoveSQLservercentral sqlservercentrl NULL Provides very Helpfull NULL Service.

    2 Thank You,So much.For NULL All yourHelps Appreciated,Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. NULL NULL

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2