• Very nice tutorial and I like the 71 screenshots! I think you should re-post this with a Getting Started with Azure title -- it deserves a wider audience. The general objective is to set up networked machines running SQL Server and that applies to many people, not just those preparing for the exam. I haven't found anything else like this online and it will be very helpful to me in setting up networked machines. Is this "Point to Site" networking? I've been told that's what I need to do if I'm trying to survive off the MSDN credit 🙂

    The biggest hurdle to me in using Azure is my lack of networking knowledge. I don't even understand static and dynamic IPs, but I think I'll be able to use these screenshots to network my VMs in Azure. (I use them for testing our software and I agree strongly...the key to low-budget usage is to shut down the machines when not in use and to be sure to shut them down in the Azure Portal, not simply through the remote session.)

    Thank you for sharing your experience and including the screenshots!