Home Forums Data Warehousing Analysis Services Using XMLA to alter a SSAS database, and the ObjectExpansion attribute RE: Using XMLA to alter a SSAS database, and the ObjectExpansion attribute

  • Thanks for the reply,

    I just realised the method I posted before does not work. In my case, using ObjectExpansion="ObjectProperties" only seems to be working when pointing out one single role within the Object-element and not if pointing out a database. (In other words it works when I have scripted out ALTER TO on a Role, but not on a database where I then change stuff in the role-elements).

    So in other words, to "bulk" update all roles in one go I think it comes down to one option and that is scripting out ALTER TO the entire database, leave all content in the script, use the "ExpandFull" property, do the bulk Search&Replace for the content in the roles, and then execute the script. Please correct me if I am wrong 🙂

    By the way, does anyone know what happens to aggregations and cache and such things, when running ALTER-script on a SSAS database? Are those left untouched?
