Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) OUTER JOIN Not Producing Non Existent Record with IS NULL RE: OUTER JOIN Not Producing Non Existent Record with IS NULL

  • I do have a Function I am using now that mimics the DateSeial() in Access using this:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DateSerial


    @year int ,

    @month int ,

    @day bigint


    RETURNS datetime



    DECLARE @date datetime

    -- catch invalid year entries and default appropriately

    SET @year =

    CASE WHEN @year < 1900 THEN 1900

    WHEN @year > 9999 THEN year(getdate())

    ELSE @year


    -- convert date by adding together like yyyymmdd

    SET @date = cast(@year * 10000 + 101 AS char(8))


    -- Add to date the proper months subtracting 1,

    -- since we used 1 as start instead of zero.

    SET @date = dateadd(mm , @month - 1 , @date)

    -- Add to date the proper days subtracting 1,

    -- since we used 1 as start instead of zero.

    SET @date = dateadd(dd , @day - 1 , @date)


    RETURN @date ;




    >= dbo.DateSerial(YEAR(GETDATE()), 6, 30)

    on EndDate.

    It works great in another View ... but

    I tried to incorporate that into your formula for the date issue but failing.

    Can you use this in place of the Declare?