Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General How to use date trunc or date function to select a date range for a month on month view? RE: How to use date trunc or date function to select a date range for a month on month view?

  • J Livingston SQL (7/29/2015)

    dandenise316 (7/29/2015)

    Thanks for the input guys..

    I tried using the second solution with month(n.campaign_date)



    day(campaign_date) between 1 and 23

    And I'm getting the following error.

    ERROR: 42883: function day(timestamp without time zone) does not exist

    is that a PostgresSQL error?

    this, as has already been said is a forum for MS SQL Server

    We are supposedly moving to PostgreSQL, so perhaps I should start learning it. Would help with answering this type of question.