SQL Server Error Log

  • I am not able to cycle the SQL Server error log, then found the following error message,

    Error: 17053, Severity: 16, State: 1.

    UpdateUptimeRegKey: Operating system error 5(Access is denied.) encountered.

    Does anyone here have any idea? Thanks in advance.

  • Just had a quick look for you and a likely cause could be that the SQL Server service account doesnt have the required registry permissions. Has the Service account been changed at all? If so did you change it using the Configuration Manager?

  • DJH-445911 (7/29/2015)

    Just had a quick look for you and a likely cause could be that the SQL Server service account doesnt have the required registry permissions. Has the Service account been changed at all? If so did you change it using the Configuration Manager?

    +1. I've seen this when someone changes the service account using the Services applet.

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