• Sorry for the delay. Caught up in the work

    Following is the query will give you the desire result. in case of any query/ question do let us know.

    ------------- Create Sample table

    create table #try (id int,sourceno int,destno int,quantity int)

    ------------- Insert data

    insert into #try values(1, 100,null,10)

    insert into #try values(2, 200,null,10)

    insert into #try values(3, 300,200,20)

    insert into #try values(4, 400,300,15)

    insert into #try values(5, 500,400,40)

    insert into #try values(6, 600,null,2)

    insert into #try values(7, 700,null,4)

    insert into #try values(8, 800,600,6)



    Used Jeff moden article "Hierarchies on Steroids #1: Convert an Adjacency List to Nested Sets"

    URL : http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Hierarchy/94040/

    Should read it to understand the problem and the solution


    with cte



    select a.id, a.sourceno, a.destno, a.quantity

    , HLevel = 1

    , SortPath = CAST(

    CAST(a.sourceno AS BINARY(4))

    AS VARBINARY(4000))

    from #try a

    where a.destno is null

    union all

    select a.id, a.sourceno, a.destno, a.quantity

    , HLevel = cte.HLevel + 1

    , SortPath = CAST( --This does the concatenation to build SortPath

    cte.SortPath + CAST(a.sourceno AS BINARY(4))

    AS VARBINARY(4000))

    from #try a

    inner join cte on a.destno = cte.sourceno


    SELECT sourceno = ISNULL(sorted.sourceno,0),


    HLevel = ISNULL(sorted.HLevel,0),

    LeftBower = ISNULL(CAST(0 AS INT),0), --Place holder

    RightBower = ISNULL(CAST(0 AS INT),0), --Place holder

    NodeNumber = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY sorted.SortPath),

    NodeCount = ISNULL(CAST(0 AS INT),0), --Place holder

    SortPath = ISNULL(sorted.SortPath,sorted.SortPath),

    ID = sorted.id,

    quantity = sorted.quantity

    INTO #Hierarchy

    FROM cte AS sorted


    UPDATE #Hierarchy

    SET LeftBower = 2 * NodeNumber - HLevel


    with ctally



    SELECT TOP 1000 --(4 * 1000 = VARBINARY(4000) in length)



    AS INT),0)

    FROM master.sys.all_columns ac1

    CROSS JOIN master.sys.all_columns ac2


    cteCountDownlines AS

    ( --=== Count each occurrence of EmployeeID in the sort path

    SELECT sourceno = CAST(SUBSTRING(h.SortPath,t.N,4) AS INT),

    NodeCount = COUNT(*) --Includes current node

    FROM #Hierarchy h,

    ctally t


    GROUP BY SUBSTRING(h.SortPath,t.N,4)

    ) --=== Update the NodeCount and calculate the RightBower

    UPDATE h

    SET h.NodeCount = downline.NodeCount,

    h.RightBower = (downline.NodeCount - 1) * 2 + LeftBower + 1

    FROM #Hierarchy h

    JOIN cteCountDownlines downline

    ON h.sourceno = downline.sourceno


    ----- Once the hierarchies are build following query will do

    ----- Assuming that you are working on SQL SERVER 2005 and above.

    select id, H.sourceno, H.destno, isnull(maxQuantity.quantity, h.quantity)

    from #Hierarchy H

    inner join


    Select SUBSTRING(SortPath,1,4) as SortPath, max(HLevel) HLevel

    from #Hierarchy H

    group by SUBSTRING(SortPath,1,4)

    ) A on SUBSTRING(H.SortPath,1,4) = A.SortPath and H.HLevel = A.HLevel

    Cross apply


    select max(quantity) as quantity

    from #Hierarchy HH

    where SUBSTRING(H.SortPath,1,4) = SUBSTRING(HH.SortPath,1,4)

    and HH.HLevel < a.HLevel --------- One previous

    ) maxQuantity

    order by id

    ------ Cleanup

    drop table #Hierarchy

    drop table #try

    Hope it helps.