• As John pointed out earlier, this really is a display function and may best be handled in the from end app or in reporting software.

    If you'd like to take that rout, this is a function I've used in SSRS in the past.

    It uses seconds instead of minutes but it would be easy enough to make the necessary adjustments...

    Function DHMS2(NumberOfSeconds as Long) as String

    Dim NumberOfMinutes as Long

    Dim NumberOfHours as Long

    Dim NumberOfDays as Long

    NumberOfDays = NumberOfSeconds \ 86400

    NumberOfSeconds = NumberOfSeconds Mod 86400

    NumberOfHours = NumberOfSeconds \ 3600

    NumberOfSeconds = NumberOfSeconds Mod 3600

    NumberOfMinutes = NumberOfSeconds \ 60

    NumberOfSeconds = NumberOfSeconds Mod 60

    DHMS2 = IIF(NumberofDays<10,"0" & NumberOfDays, NumberOfDays) & ":"

    DHMS2 = DHMS2 &IIF(NumberOfHours<10,"0" & NumberOfHours, NumberOfHours) & ":"

    DHMS2 = DHMS2 &IIF(NumberOfMinutes<10,"0" & NumberOfMinutes, NumberOfMinutes) & ":"

    DHMS2 = DHMS2 &IIF(NumberOfSeconds<10,"0" & NumberOfSeconds,NumberOfSeconds)

    End Function