• Thank you so much Gianluca it is appreciated. I was getting mind boggled by the 30 minute thing. I did change the query slightly to this:

    select convert(char(11),close_date, 103) as [Date],

    CAST(DATEADD(minute, DATEPART(minute, close_date) / 30 * 30 , DATEADD(hour, DATEPART(hour, close_date), 0)) AS time) as [Time],count (*)as [Total]

    from vw_opencall

    where evb_recipient_email like 'help@email%'

    --I will be adding dates between so edited this part, just used dates for testing.

    --and day (date_time) = '03'

    --and month(close_date) = '06'

    --and year (close_date) = '2015'

    group by convert(char(11),close_date, 103),

    CAST(DATEADD(minute, DATEPART(minute, close_date) / 30 * 30 , DATEADD(hour, DATEPART(hour, close_date), 0)) AS time)

    order by [date], [time] ASC

    Just changed the first date format as they like it to be this way.