• rob.lewis 86087 (7/2/2015)

    i have 2 databases on the same server

    One has a function, the other has the tables and views

    using dba

    select dbo.function(t.column) as x from dbb.dbo.table as t

    gives m an invalid object name of dbo.table

    using dba

    select top 1 * from dbb.dbo.table works fine.

    also if i create the function on the same db it works.

    Does anyone know if they have stopped allowing cross database function calls or if there is a syntax error in this?

    Can't say i use functions much so might be a bit out of touch.

    My gut says database ownership chaining is having some kind of impact here, but I don't have the familiarity with exactly how it works...

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)