• If the default trace is enabled (which is should be), then that can be used to query DDL events, including more information about the session and user than what the transaction log offers.



    ,e.[Name] EventName







    FROM fn_trace_gettable(


    SELECT cast(value as varchar(8000))

    FROM ::fn_trace_getinfo(0)

    where traceid = 1 and property = 2), DEFAULT

    ) gt

    JOIN sys.trace_events e ON gt.eventclass = e.trace_event_id

    LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections EC On EC.session_id = gt.SPID

    WHERE gt.starttime > dateadd(hour,-48,GETDATE())

    AND e.Name like 'Object:Deleted'

    ORDER BY gt.starttime desc;

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho