• Ah, that's it. I'm having trouble getting the syntax right for this. I created a temp table for the catalog names and then tried to get the last processed date.

    CREATE TABLE #TempCatalogs(

    Catalog varchar(50)


    insert into #TempCatalogs

    SELECT *


    --Find last process date for specific row with value BI_PSoft_TimeCard_Cube

    SELECT Last_Schema_Update As lst,*

    FROM Openquery(SSASLocalInstance, 'SELECT * FROM $SYSTEM.mdschema_cubes') AS a

    WHERE convert(varchar(50),cube_name) = 'BI_PSoft_TimeCard_Cube'

    This returns no results.

    Alvin Ramard (6/30/2015)

    That's why you're only seeing 1 cube. The query is only querying one database.

    You need to query each database separately. You could do a union of all the queries.