Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Always Return X Number of records, even if less in the recordset RE: Always Return X Number of records, even if less in the recordset

  • skilly2 (6/29/2015)

    This solution worked as well. It works well with a small number of rows, but I don't think is easy as the above solution to adopt to a bigger number of rows (although my question specifically didn't say I'd ever have to adopt to more rows). I did learn something from the syntax though with the Tally(N) that I wasn't familiar with.

    Actually there's nothing that would keep it working with any number of rows. The following is a variation that will produce a 1M row tally table.

    WITH n (n) AS (

    SELECT 1 FROM (VALUES (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) n (n)

    ), Tally (n) AS (

    SELECT -- add a TOP N clause here, to limit the number of rows produced.


    FROM n n1, n n2, n n3, n n4, n n5, n n6


    SELECT n FROM Tally