Looking for survey database sample

  • I need to create a survey application and store answer in a SQL table.

    There are about 50 questions.

    Most questions are check box like

    [check box ] No [check box] Yes, if yes, specify [Text box]

    Where can download a sample database?

  • I've seen some places like this with various models set up, but I don't see surveys there: http://www.databaseanswers.org/data_models/. There is a questionnaire, but it's limited in what it shows: http://www.databaseanswers.org/data_models/student_questionnaires/index.htm

    What I would suggest is you list a few things you need, and break them up into questions and answers. We can help you design things, but it would be helpful if you give some of it a go in terms of your requirements.

    Typically I'd start with something like this:

    CREATE TABLE questions


    questionid INT IDENTITY(1, 1)


    , questiontext VARCHAR(2000)



    CREATE TABLE survey


    surveyid INT IDENTITY(1, 1)


    , surveyname VARCHAR(500)

    , active BIT



    CREATE TABLE SurveyQuestions


    surveyid INT

    CONSTRAINT surveyQuestions_Survey_fk

    FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.survey ( surveyid )

    , questionid INT

    CONSTRAINT surveyquestions_questions_fk

    FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.questions ( questionid )

    , questionorder TINYINT

    , active BIT



    CREATE TABLE QuestionAnswers


    QuestionAnswerid INT CONSTRAINT QuestionAnswers_PK PRIMARY KEY

    , questionid INT

    CONSTRAINT questionAnswers_questions_fk

    FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.questions ( questionid )

    , AnswerText VARCHAR(1000)



    CREATE TABLE SurveyAnswers


    userid INT

    , surveyid INT

    , questionid INT

    , questionanswerid INT


    The last item probably needs a constraint with all of those as keys. It could have questionid removed, but I find it sometimes reduces joins I might need. You can decide how you determine who can answer, if they can answer more than once, do I need dates, etc.

  • adonetok (6/9/2015)

    I need to create a survey application and store answer in a SQL table.

    There are about 50 questions.

    Most questions are check box like

    [check box ] No [check box] Yes, if yes, specify [Text box]

    Where can download a sample database?

    Quick question, how big is the survey population (audience)? There are quite few examples out there which are rather easy to find if one searches, also services like SurveyMonkey etc. which might be just what you are looking for. Although a survey may look simple at the first glance, it can quickly become rather difficult and complex to handle, especially if there is any branching or other complexities in the design.


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