• There are many impediments to performance in your query. You want it to run as quickly as possible. Test this as a functional equivalent.


    WITH TheChosenOne AS (






    t1.[SR Number]

    FROM SWProjectGrid.dbo.tblServiceRequests AS t1

    /* CJM GET RID OF THIS FUNCTION! It will kill performance! */

    INNER JOIN SWProjectGrid.dbo.tbl_AutoAssign_TesterCategoryAssignments AS A

    ON dbo.func_AutoAssign_CategoryCheck(t1.[SR Number]) = A.CatID

    /* CJM this join is redundant. It doesn't filter any rows */

    --LEFT JOIN SWProjectGrid.dbo.tblTestOpsValues AS V

    -- ON V.ID = dbo.func_AutoAssign_CategoryCheck(t1.[SR Number])

    INNER JOIN SWProjectGrid.dbo.Medicare_Renewal_Copays t2

    ON t2.SR = t1.[SR Number]

    /* CJM Redundant - repeated in WHERE clause */

    --AND t2.[Copay Grid Status] = 'Copay Automation Complete'

    --AND t2.[Accumulator/CBM Status] = 'Setup Complete'

    --AND ISNULL(t2.AutoAssigned, 0) = 0

    WHERE t1.[Sub Area] NOT IN ('Question','DIV Implementation')

    AND t1.[Closed Date] IS NULL/* Not Closed */

    AND t1.STATUS = 'Set-up Complete'/* Status is Set-up Complete */

    AND ISNULL(t1.TesterID_AA, '') = '' /* A tester has not been assigned */

    AND A.UserID = @LanID/* The user that clicked GetWork */



    /* If 137 then it must be Automation Complete and Setup Complete other than 137 not necessary */

    /* CJM don't these cancel out and become a NULL filter, which in turn is rendered */

    /* redundant by the equal to operator in the join between t1 and A? */

    --dbo.func_AutoAssign_CategoryCheck(t1.[SR Number]) <> 137

    --OR dbo.func_AutoAssign_CategoryCheck(t1.[SR Number]) = 137

    -- these turn the LEFT JOIN t2 into an INNER JOIN

    t2.[Copay Grid Status] = 'Copay Automation Complete'

    AND t2.[Accumulator/CBM Status] = 'Setup Complete'

    AND ISNULL(t2.AutoAssigned, 0) = 0


    ORDER BY t1.[SR Number]


    UPDATE TheChosenOne SET

    TesterID_AA = @LanID,

    Tester_AA = dbo.Func_BT_BatchQueueGetName(@LanID),

    AutoAssignedDate = GETDATE(),

    ManagerAutoAssign = 0

    /* CJM why not insert directly into the permanent table? */

    OUTPUT inserted.ID

    ,inserted.[SR Number]



    ,inserted.[Sub Area]



    INTO @tblSRInserts

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden