• Hi Eric,

    Thank your for your help and comments.

    Yes, I metioned above this update takes 45 seconds, reason why this unacceptable is because this is one query of 11 I need to run to the same table and total execution time for 11 querys is 7 minutes.

    Each Query substring field "Dialednumber" from RepSheet0_ from left to right and the result is compared with field Prefix on VendorBreakout that has the same lenght of the substring result. Example:

    Dialednumber = "1234567890123"

    First Update

    LEFT(Dialednumber,11) = "12345678901"

    "12345678901" = VendorBreakout.prefix AND VendorBreakout.prefixlen = 11 AND RepSheet0_.Cost = 0

    Second Update

    LEFT(Dialednumber,10) = "1234567890"

    "1234567890" = VendorBreakout.prefix AND VendorBreakout.prefixlen = 10AND RepSheet0_.Cost = 0

    Third Update

    LEFT(Dialednumber,9) = "123456789"

    "123456789" = VendorBreakout.prefix AND VendorBreakout.prefixlen = 9 AND RepSheet0_.Cost = 0

    And continue until 1

    I adjust your technique and the result is:

    set nocount on;

    declare @batch_rows int = 0, @total_rows int = 0;

    while 1 = 1


    -- to minimize transaction log growth, checkpointing and pausing

    -- each batch will help re-use space:

    waitfor delay '00:00:05';


    -- update batch of rows:

    update top (1000000) dbo.RepSheet0_

    set dbo.RepSheet0_.Cost=dbo.VendorBreakout.Cost,


    FROM dbo.RepSheet0_ INNER JOIN

    dbo.VendorBreakout ON LEFT(dbo.RepSheet0_.DialedNumber, 6) = dbo.VendorBreakout.Prefix

    AND dbo.RepSheet0_.Vendor = CDRDB.dbo.VendorBreakout.VendorName

    WHERE (dbo.RepSheet0_.Cost = 0) AND (dbo.VendorBreakout.lenprefix= 6)

    select @batch_rows = @@rowcount;

    select @total_rows = @total_rows + @batch_rows;

    -- print status message:

    raiserror('Rows affected: %d', 0, 1, @total_rows) with nowait;

    -- if no rows were deleted, then break from loop:

    if @batch_rows = 0 break;


    Execution time was 1:19 seconds instead of 1:17 seconds with the actual method.

    Expected Target would be 2 minutes for the 11 querys.

    Thank you!
