• I think managers are operating on a different set of mathematics. One formula in particular:

    ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

    Yes, I hear the "to be" replies (It costs less to catch a flaw up front than to fix it later, etc.). But if you don't get the product out the door you will never have any money to fix it later. Successful people don't wait around while scientists argue the merits of their experiments.

    Everyone knows that CO2, CH4 and N2O are factors in climate change. CH4 (refrigerants) in particular is a 21 multiplier to CO2, R-508B (refrigerant) is a 10,350 multiplier, etc. etc. yet there are still thousands of scientists who argue climate change is not human caused, that it is the natural cycle of the earth. Ice sheets are breaking off, sea level rises, on and on...

    We may very well see the end of civilization while 2% of climate scientists banter about on the science of climate change.

    Sometimes we just need to take the data and combine it with common sense, make some hard decisions, and move on.

    It is in this spirit that I agree with everything Crazy 8's says.