• Food for thought:

    SELECT DATEDIFF(millisecond,'20150521','20150522') --86400000 ms in a day


    RightNow, RightNowNumeric, RightNowDecimalPart, RightNowIntegerPart,

    ReconstructedDate = DATEADD(day,RightNowIntegerPart,0),

    ReconstructedDateTime = DATEADD(millisecond,86400000*RightNowDecimalPart,DATEADD(day,RightNowIntegerPart,0))

    FROM (



    RightNowNumeric = CAST(RightNow AS NUMERIC(18,12)),

    RightNowDecimalPart = CAST(RightNow AS NUMERIC(18,12))%1,

    RightNowIntegerPart = CAST(CAST(RightNow AS NUMERIC(18,12)) - CAST(RightNow AS NUMERIC(18,12))%1 AS INT)

    FROM (

    SELECT RightNow = GETDATE()) d

    ) e

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
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