Expression to pull Account Description based on value in another field

  • I'm working on a reconciliation report. The results display (1) Cost Center, (2) Account Number, (3) Amount1, (4) Amount2, and (5) Difference. What I would like to do is add the Account Description to the results. However, the Account Descriptions are not available in any of the tables in the database.

    I have created a SharePoint List that looks like this:

    ID1300 ID1350 ID1400 ID1500 ID1550

    Descr1 Descr2 Descr3 Descr4 Descr5

    The number behind "ID" is the account number and is displayed in Field 2 in the results. I tried to create an expression for the Account Description like

    ="ID" & First(Fields!AcctNUmber.Value, "AcctNames")

    but the report layout doesn't like this. Can I create an expression to pull the Account Description based on "ID" and the account number displayed in the results in column 2?

    Thanks for your help..........

  • Do you use 2008 or 2008R2 ?

    If yes you can use the lookup function.

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • Thanks...........Can you point me to something that shows how to use the lookup function? I ended up with a large nested IIF statement to resolve my question. Thanks......

  • The syntax is

    Lookup(source_expression, destination_expression, result_expression, dataset)

    In your case :

    Lookup("ID" & Fields!Field2.Value,Fields!AcctNUmber.Value,Fields!AcctName.value, "AcctNames")

    Where Field2 refers to the field in the main dataset

    You have to put this expression on the main dataset

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • Thanks for your help. I will definitely look at this for my report

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