Created a new maintenance solution

  • Since a while ago I wanted to start learning the DBA aspects within SQL Server and thought the best way to master these skills is creating a maintenance solution. That went a little out of hand and since then I've been writing code to learn these aspects and now it has grown to a complete solution that you can use to create backups, index maintenance, statistic maintenance and cleanup processes. I also focused some attention to the performance aspects withing SQL server and created some reports that gives you a really good insight on whats going on on your SQL servers. It comes with a lot more which you can read about on my website:

    I also created a method to report the statistics and this can be downloaded to on my website after creating an account. A complete overview of all the reports can be found here:

    Before you start using these files keep in mind this is a very new solution and has not been tested much (not like all the years on the Ola Hallengren Solution) so you should not using it yet on your production environment (I hope to improve the product so we could get to that point but need some input from the SQL community first). The files are completely free to use but be so kind to leave your feedback so I can improve it. I have to written the code in my spare time but will try to add changes when possible. I really hope you like the products.

    The source files are available on the download section on my website after you created an account (

    Grtz. Jos

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