Home Forums Data Warehousing Integration Services Receiving server committed a protocol violation when using a CozyRoc connection manager in SSIS RE: Receiving server committed a protocol violation when using a CozyRoc connection manager in SSIS

  • Update: A nice guy from COZYROC (they make the SSIS+ tools that extend SSIS capabilities by allowing connection between SSIS and SugarCRM, SalesforceCRM, provide sftp (SSIS only has ftp), etc.), helped me tremendously so that now I am to the point that I can connect to SugarCRM and create an empty table from SugarCRM(MySQL) in SQL Server via SSIS and COZYROCs Connection Manager and SugarCRM Source (with OLEDB destination to my SQL Server DB).

    Unfortunately the solutions I've found from googling advise how to rewrite code to fix SOAP Access Denied error with the assumption that you're trying to connect programmatically.

    There are a few parameters to set in the COZYROC Connection Manager and SugarCRM source but no code per se.

    I've posted to the SugarCRM forum but I don't know if I'll get an answer as connecting between SugarCRM Community Edition (MySQL) and SQL Server isn't the most common thing to do based on there not being any results when I search SugarCRM's knowledge base.

    I'll post again if I ever get it figured out.