• Jeff Moden (4/15/2015)

    We have stringent rules at work for the promotion of all code. It doesn't change at all just because there's a "data emergency" of the nature you speak except for the urgency. No one is authorized to make changes to data in production without it running the gauntlet. Not even me and I'm the DBA for the company.

    I will also state that we're well practiced at such things and, for real emergencies, the problem can be flown through all the required steps in very short order when a "drop everything and fix it now" emergency is authorized. There's no excuse for cowboys even in the face of an "emergency urgency". 😉

    That makes total sense to me. Perhaps the last sentence should have been:

    There's no excuse for cowboys especially in the face of an "emergency urgency". 😉



    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!