Log Shipping Alerts

  • I have log shipping set up and that works ok.

    I am testing the Alert part now.

    I configured an Alert to be sent out if no Restore has happened after nminutes and then turned the Secondary Restore job off (for testing).

    I am getting the SQL Agent mail from the Alert job LSAlert_xxxxxx when the Alert job fails.

    When I check the SQL job logs,the SQL Error logs or the SQL Job history I get the correct message e.g

    The log shipping secondary database xxxxxxxx.yyyyy has restore threshold of 25 minutes and is out of sync. No restore was performed for 451 minutes. Restored latency is 11 minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information.

    Is there any way I can get this message (or another log shipping alert) sent to me as part of the alert email rather than just a SQL Agent fail email so I have to then try and find the actual reason the job failed.


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