• PSB (3/19/2015)


    I want to print the address information and country info in the text box(not tablix) when IsAccount field from Account dataset = 0

    =IIF(Sum(Fields!Isaccount.Value, "Account") = 0,First(Fields!Primary_Address.Value, "Account"), " , " , First(Fields!Country.Value, "Account"))

    This expression is only printing the address and not the country . It should display in the following format :


    The IIF statement first evaluates a statement and then if true does the action after the first comma but if false does the action after the second comma.

    I don't know how the statement above even runs without giving an error that there are too many arguments...

    Here is a suggestion:

    =IIF(Sum(Fields!Isaccount.Value, "Account") = 0,First(Fields!Primary_Address.Value, "Account") + " , " + First(Fields!Country.Value, "Account"),"")