• Gary Varga (3/16/2015)

    I am all in favour of bringing all options to the table but sincerely hope that we do not allow statistics to start to rule medical science. I have no problem with experimental science just as long as it is tempered on a theoretical basis combined with observational and evidential results. If that is the case then the best of luck to them (and therefore us).

    I have no scientific nor medical background so apologies for misuse of terms etc.

    The end quote addresses that pretty heavily in the article I think. “We’re not the most important people,” he said, “but we can help.”

    I work a lot with data scientist, mainly helping them with access to data and how we can better structure/manage data on the backend to help them run complex statistical models. We do this on consumer paths in digital advertising such as your journey through the digital marketing channels such as Google searches to social media channel clicks.

    When looking at those paths, you cannot assume every consumer path is the same or similar for every client. Different clients, different advertising, different products and services all alter the consumer's actions in some way. The same would obviously be true for patients who are different people who require different and more specialized treatment as they begin their journey to become healthy.

    If you can factor in dynamic variables such as the client on my end and the patient on their end, magic can happen. But, it would not be wise to think it's the one source of truth. It's just more quality intelligence based on data and science that help make better decisions among everything else.

    If you don't, which we did at first to automate that one-size-fits-all type of predictive modeling, bad things occur. That's obviously because not every client is the same much like not every patient is the same. These types of approaches greatly improve how we approach solving complex problems like curing cancer per patient rather than trying to cure cancer for the world if that makes sense. 🙂