• As a DBA, you'd better have a definite plan of attack on something like this and you'd better be able to explain what that plan is. And, no... it's not some stupid 60 second answer they're looking for. They're looking for details here! This IS the proverbial "money shot" for any DBA interview and you should plan on spending 3-5 minutes on it... maybe more.

    Let's start this off and put some food in your family's mouth. What ARE the very first two things you should do if this happens besides crap your britches?

    That's my question. Being someone who's more of a developer than a DBA (which doesn't matter, I'm going to get asked DBA questions anyway, right?), in my original post, I mention that there are dozens of things that affect query performance, dozens of tools that can be used to check things out, etc. So which two are the most important? That's why I come to this forum, to get help from the opinion of experts such as yourself. 🙂

    I did spend 3-5 minutes on it during the interviews, but more picking random topics from the lists above and citing examples of times I've seen them. I'll give one example: I'd talk about checking out the query design for SARGeable errors using the Query Execution Plan. I'd try to verbally describe queries like these:

    -- 96% of the batch cost...

    SELECT c.name AS 'IdentityColumn'

    FROM sys.columns c

    INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id = c.object_id

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id

    WHERE s.name + '.' + o.name = 'HumanResources.Department'

    AND c.is_identity = 1

    -- 4% of the batch cost...

    SELECT c.name AS 'IdentityColumn'

    FROM sys.columns c

    INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id = c.object_id

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id

    WHERE o.name = 'Department' AND s.name = 'HumanResources'

    AND c.is_identity = 1;


    ...since I know putting a calculation or concatenation on the left side of the WHERE clause comparison forces a table scan, even if there is an index, because the concatenation has to be applied to each row first.

    Then, I would talk about other things, like checking indexes, to see if adding one more column can create a covering index, thus improving performance, and checking the column and sort order of the index and such.

    Although I know about these and other issues that cause slow query performance, I don't think citing individual examples is what the interviewers are looking for.