Script Task Ignored

  • I have developed an SSIS package in VS 2012 that I am running on SQL 2014 RTM. VS 2012 has update 4 and patches KB2781514 and KB3002339.

    The first 2 tasks in the SSIS package are a Script Task and then an Execute SQL Task. The VB code for the Script Task ends with this:

    Dts.Events.FireError(-1, "Crash", "and burn", String.Empty, 0)

    Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure

    The code for the Execute SQL Task is only this:

    select 1/0

    When I run the SSIS package in VS 2012, the package errors on the Script Task (verified by the error message and it failing on that task).

    When I import the SSIS package to SQL 2014 and run it in SSMS (via Integration Services) on that computer, the package errors on the second task, Execute SQL (verified by a divide by zero error).

    Any ideas why the script task is being ignored when run by Integration Services on a SQL 2014 server?

  • Update: Installed CU6 but it did not fix the problem.

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