• you should follow two steps:

    Create an appropriately named database on the target machine Load the file using the mysql command:

    $ mysql -u [uname] -p[pass] [db_to_restore] < [backupfile.sql]

    Have a look how you can restore your tut_backup.sql file to the Tutorials database.

    $ mysql -u root -p Tutorials < tut_backup.sql

    To restore compressed backup files you can do the following:

    gunzip < [backupfile.sql.gz] | mysql -u [uname] -p[pass] [dbname]

    If you need to restore a database that already exists, you'll need to use mysqlimport command. The syntax for mysqlimport is as follows:

    mysqlimport -u [uname] -p[pass] [dbname] [backupfile.sql]

    Or make use of Repair Toolbox for MySQL

    Demo version is here-: http://www.sql.repairtoolbox.com/[/url]

    Moreover, visit next resource: http://www.filerepairforum.com/forum/databases/databases-aa/mysql/1474-mysql-table-unclosed-or-crashed - where a proper solution can be found.