• Try recursive cte as follows. I changed your input so that grandparent 1 has two different paths with IsAutoCalculate =(1...1,0) . You may need to tweak the query if only one path is required. I've assumed "first" means the least id within a parent.

    with src as


    select * from (values














    (13,12,0,2)) as T(ID, ParentiD, IsAutoCalculate, Level)

    ), rcte as (

    select ID gId, ID, ParentiD, IsAutoCalculate, Level, cast(0 as bigint) as rn

    from src

    where ParentiD = 0

    union all

    select gId, src.ID, src.ParentiD, src.IsAutoCalculate, src.Level

    , row_number() over (order by src.IsAutoCalculate, src.ID) as rn

    from rcte

    join src on rcte.Id = src.Parentid and rcte.IsAutoCalculate = 1


    select * from rcte

    where IsAutoCalculate = 0 and rn = 1

    order by gId