• This query doesn't take into account the time the job ran - if there is more than one run in a day we have not specified how we want this to be dealt with.

    SQL Rank gives us a good idea of what we're looking at - also selecting step id = 0 gives the job outcome.


    [Job Name] = j.name

    , [Job Description] = j.description

    , [LastRunDate] = h.run_date

    , [LastRunTime] = h.run_time

    , [JobStatus] = Case h.run_status

    When 0 Then 'Failed'

    When 1 Then 'Successful'

    When 3 Then 'Cancelled'

    When 4 Then 'In Progress'


    ,[OrderOfRun] = Rank() Over(Partition By j.job_id Order By h.run_date Desc,h.run_time Desc)


    msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h

    Left join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j On j.job_id = h.job_id

    Where h.step_id=0 --only look @ Job Outcome step

    Order By [Job Name] desc,Rank() Over(Partition By j.job_id Order By h.run_date Desc,h.run_time Desc) Asc