• Because you are working with an ADP Access project, you will need to use a different approach than if you were working with a .MDB or .ACCDB format front-end to SQL Server. The details are beyond what can be put in a single thread easily, but check the link parameters from ADP form to stored procedure and the link referenced in that link for two different ways of doing what you are attempting.

    However you should also be aware of the fact that the .ADP format is no longer supported in the current (2013) version of Access, and will not be in future versions. So you might want to consider switching to the .MDB or .ACCDB format, especially if you are at the novice stage with Access. In that case the article by Danny Lesandrini referenced in Rob Taylor's post would be quite useful.

    Colorful Colorado
    You can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain!