• GilaMonster (2/1/2015)

    sparky-407434 (1/31/2015)

    On the plus side, storing telephone number as int uses less storage than a varchar. Ok you won't need to use any numeric functions on it, but you probably won't need to use any string functions on it either.

    Good luck phoning any South African number you store that way...

    eg South African number: 011 88x 8yyyy (masked so that I don't accidentally give a real number). Some have two leading zeros, in case you just want to add a 0 in front.

    And how many phone numbers are you storing before the ~10 bytes you save per number is significant?

    Finnish numbers also have leading zero for example 040 7317644 and international way is +358407317644. So one actually needs to do string functions when showing them.