• I still don't know how to wire in the outer loop data into the inner loop. The inner loop in SSIS requires input columns but I'm not using records, I want to use memory variables as input.

    Pseudo code


    ForEach Row in DataTbl

    StartIndex = DataTbl.StartNo

    StopIndex = DataTbl.EndNo

    SourceIndex = StartIndex

    IterationCnt = StopIndex - StartIndex + 1

    FullName = DataTbl.FullName

    -- Inner Loop / Uses memory variables (no input column source so how to connect this in SSIS?)

    for x = 1 to IterationCnt

    writeflatfile "COPY \IMG\PICT" + PAD(SourceIndex,4,"0") + ".jpg \target\"+FullName+"\"+FullName+"_"+pad(x,4,"0")+".jpg"

    SourceINdex = SourceIndex + 1

    next x

    Next Row

    I'm at that point in the learning curve where it's frustrating and hard to see why they even went to a click and drag component model when code is just a matter of saying what you want.

    Thanks for helping -- I know this must seem obvious to you.