• Perry Whittle (1/28/2015)

    You are correct a fileshare witness does not hold a full copy of the cluster database, it's really designed for stretched clusters. Since you're not planning this here you maybe don't need a fileshare witness.

    Using the 4 nodes, and i think i said this previously, you can still employ Majority Node Set rather than a disk based witness by removing a vote from a specific node. In other words Node1, Node2 and Node3 would all have a cluster vote whereas Node4 would have its vote removed, you don't require a witness then. Quorum disk witnesses are so last century 😀

    As i said previously the smart choice is the use of Windows Server 2012 R2, there are some enhancements to the clustering sub system that provide greater resilience.

    Brilliant Perry! Moving forward with this approach. 🙂

    CE - Microsoft