Home Forums Programming Powershell Umlauts in my TSQL script are turning to "?" when called from a powershell script RE: Umlauts in my TSQL script are turning to "?" when called from a powershell script

  • Ian_McCann (1/21/2015)

    kind of 😉

    openning the script in notepad++ and saving it as utf8 encoded and then reading it back with -Encoded UFT8 did work,

    ( there is always a but)


    It took away from the automated nature of the task.

    The scripts I am running are created in Management studio and then saved into FTS, as far as I can tell they are all ansi.

    Thanks very much for your input

    Np. In my original link, there is a section which explains how to force an existing file's encoding to UTF-8. So automation should still be possible this way.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.