Home Forums Data Warehousing Integration Services How to capture subfolders' path as variable and import them into database RE: How to capture subfolders' path as variable and import them into database

  • Polymorphist (1/9/2015)

    chadlau11 (1/5/2015)

    I use the article to copy the target files from subfolders to a target folder.

    Then set the connection configuration to import the dbf file from the target folder to the database one by one.

    I'm trying and trying to do this on my package to capture the file name but nothing seems to work. Can you be more specific regarding the connection configuration? What are you setting it to and how are you passing that into your table? This is what i'm confused about.

    Hi Polymorphist,

    What is the source file format? Mine is .dbf file and they are stored in a folder with subfolders as below:



    For Connection Manager, I am using:

    Provider: Native OLE DB/Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider

    Please provide more information to discuss