• Doctor Who 2 (1/5/2015)

    I just read this post today (Jan. 5, 2015), so I'm behind the times. However I think this is one of your best posts of 2014, Steve. I'm still "in transition", but fortunately am still getting interviews (I've got one this afternoon, in fact). However being out of work for 6 months is beginning to take a huge toll out of my family and myself. Very serious things (both physical and to our house and vehicles we own) aren't being addressed, because there's just no money. That has a major influence upon my attitude towards things like what positions or companies to consider. There have been some positions early in my unemployment that I didn't consider because the commute would have resulted in my not being able to be with my family in any meaningful way. Now I'm reconsidering that. Perhaps living in a Motel 6 in an expensive place far away would be better than this prolonged unemployment? I don't know the answer to that question, but something has got to change soon. I hope I don't have to completely abandon my principles and time with my family, but I wonder how much longer we can hold on.

    Good luck, Doctor, and I hope things work out. One thing I'll say as someone that worked away from home for 4 months, is look at hostels or renting a room somewhere. It can work out well in the short term. Note that taking a new job doesn't mean you take it forever. I wouldn't think it's the end of the world to commute for 3-6 months and look for new job. A quick change because of travel issues makes sense. I'd disclose that when I look for new jobs.

    Hard to know what's best for you. I'd also look at remote DBA work (there are companies doing this) or consulting with companies nearby. A bit of travel is tough, but I'd prefer to that to being unemployed. That's me, make your own decision (With your family).

    Best of luck to you.