• GoofyGuy (12/22/2014)

    The best management consulting scam I've seen to date was this thing called the Fish Philosophy, which basically told management that they were all "Awesome, yeah!" and that if the employees weren't deliriously happy no matter what, it was the employees fault that they weren't happy, and they better start getting happy or the pink slip cannon should start targeting those troublemakers. One bad apple right?

    I've been in IT going on 40 years, and I've discovered it's often the 'bad apples' who have the best ideas and insights.

    The 2014 London QCON had Linda Rising as a speaker and she addressed this very point. Your employees can be categorised into 4 groups in their attitude to change.

    • Wow change is good
    • Change is probably good but I need to be convinced
    • Change is probably bad, convince me otherwise
    • There are so many challenges with change it is probably not worth it

    The problem with firing the unenthusiastic is that they have a critical piece of information that explains why they are so cautious. Obviously there are a small minority who will resist change no matter what but in general to affect change you need a good balance of all 4 groups.

    From what I have seen change is rarely managed well so a fun place to work can cease to be fun without this being intentional or desired. I have seen admirable attempts to focus on employee wellbeing as well as cack handed cynicism. If you want to stay happy then it is as much something for the employee to work on as it is the employer