• I'm assuming that this is for an SQL 2012 database as its in the 2012 section.

    One thing I noticed is that you are passing boundaries in for the result set, you might want to look at the NEW OFFSET command in SQL 2012 as an alternative for doing this (providing it doesn't need to be backward compatible).

    DECLARE @PageNum INT =3

    DECLARE @RowsPerPage INT =20

    SELECT Object_NAME(object_iD) TableName, Name, column_id

    FROM Sys.Columns

    Order by


    , column_id

    OFFSET (@PageNum-1)* @RowsPerPage ROWS FETCH NEXT @RowsPerPage ROWS ONLY

    In regards to the actual question, my ASP is very flaky, but It seems you are missing a 'Comment' column that is bound in the grid, but I cant see it in the returned data set. It could be one of the MS issues that doesn't tell you the exact error.

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