• Hi again.

    Well Thanks for your answer again.

    But I feel I am not able to make my point clear.we are beating round the bush.

    I am learning Sql Clustering and new concept of Always on also.

    Both requires proper configuration of windows failover cluster.

    The question is I am not able to configure windows Failover

    cluster properly using ISCSItarget software with shared storage that is disk witness.

    From your post I understand I need to configure ISCSI network,how to do that?????

    I went through links given by you but it does not give any steps to configure ISCSI network adapter.:w00t:

    I have also used two NIC on nodes but still getting error of single point failure,how cluster will automatically understand the ISCSI network config.....somewhere my network config is going wrong and not a network person at all............

    I have config public and private NIC and given you my config in earlier post..pls tell me abt ISCSI NIC config????

    Another concept I am learning is Always ON that uses Windows failover clustering but with fileshare storage...that steps I tried to do but again with error:w00t:

    I am not using starwind...

    so I am like back to square one though I am trying hard on it...