• Hi AJFarroll ,

    The error message is related to a problem of backup ( if I have been able to understand it , but as my understanding of the English is far to be perfect ). You should check whether the connection/login errors are logged in the error log of the SQL Server instance ( the successful and failed logins are not audited as default : right-click on the server name , select Properties then Security and look at the part login auditing ).

    An error message for connection error is clear usually , but I have to temper this idea as I am only using .Net Framework and the System.Data.SqlClient class for which the messages are easy to understand as it can detect any type of error about ports , or server name or database name ( sorry , I have no time to learn ODBC , or Java and my most recent uses of ORACLE were related to ORACLE 7 , a good but very old version ).

    Be careful about the named pipes which need a long and complicated expression for which to create an error is easy.

    Have a nice day