MHTML chart images showing in wrong email/multiple emails

  • Hi All

    Has anyone experienced an embedded MHTML subscription email showing the wrong chart image? I send 2 versions of the same report with different parameters with an embedded chart to my email address (in test). when I view each email they both show the exact same chart?!? It's pretty random as to which one my mail client will show. My mail client in Outlook 2013. If I select view as HTML I get the proper chart. I realize it's likely a caching issue with outlook more than a problem with SSRS, but I'm wondering if anyone else sees this behavior and has a suggestion on how to thwart this weirdness... Possibly having the ability to change the generated CID for the image or somehow inserting a no-cache meta tag into the MHTML (if that would even work?!)... It's a concern obviously because I need to ensure accurate metrics are being delivered... ANy help or pointers would be appreciated.

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