• HanShi (11/24/2014)

    Specify the last LOG file in a new RESTORE command and use the "STANDBY = undo_file_name" option instead of the NORECOVERY. The LOG file to use can be the last one you used in the complete restore sequence.

    The next time the LS jobs run on that secondary it'll be set back to restore mode.

    Arjun SreeVastsva (11/22/2014)


    i have recently setup the log shipping to one database to 2 databases. but i need to configure one secondary databases one to standby mode and another database to restoring mode.

    but accidentally i have setup both secondary databases to restoring mode. so how can i recover database restoring mode to stand by mode without disturbing log shipping .

    Can any one please suggest?



    Update the LS plan for that secondary to specify standby mode instead of restore mode. Do this using the following on the secondary server within the master database

    exec sp_change_log_shipping_secondary_database

    @secondary_database = 'secondary_database'

    , @restore_mode = 1

    , @disconnect_users = 0 or 1


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉