• Thank You for your reply!

    There is no calendar table.

    database - Oracle

    Here is what I got so far.

    If the Delivery_due_date is prior to the current week, then the output is Fri of current week. Else, the output should be Fri of the Deleivery_due_date. The problem is for Sat. It picks the Fri of that week(1 day before). If its a Sat, it should display Fri of next week.

    Maybe I need to add another iif condition here?

    =iif((Fields!Delivery_due_date.Value) < (DateAdd("d", -1 - DatePart("w",Today) , Today)),

    (DateAdd("d", 6 - DatePart("w",Today) , Today)),

    (DateAdd("d", 6 - DatePart("w",Fields!Delivery_due_date.Value), Fields!Delivery_due_date.Value )))