Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering Tool For Monitoring Multiple Instances for Health and Shop Standards RE: Tool For Monitoring Multiple Instances for Health and Shop Standards

  • I took a look at the site in codeplex for this tool. It looks promising, but I am concerned about a few things.

    1. Since it is free, there likely not anybody paid to support it. If we are going to depend on it for management of our enterprise stuff, we'd like to be sure we can yell at somebody when it doesn't work, and feel that needed features will be added, and have somebody to call when we have questions.

    2. The tab on the web page marked "documentation" comes back and says there isn't any. That might make using it a bit difficult.

    3. There was a question in the discussions section from somebody who was trying to combine results from different domains. Does this tool not work across domains (can't depend on a trust in our shop)?

    Does anybody know of a product for purchase that does this kind of thing?