• First of all: there's no need to put the SERVERPROPERTY in a subselect. You can place it in the outer SELECT.

    Second: the EXCEPT is similar to the NOT IN statement when using it on a single column. If you use the NOT IN you are not bound to the "equal number of columns".

    Try this:


    SERVERPROPERTY ('ServerName') as [ServerInstance],

    d.name as [Database Name]

    from sys.databases d

    Where name not in ('Msdb', 'Master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'DBA')

    and name not in (

    select REPLACE(name, ' - Backup Job', '')

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs


    order by [Database Name]

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **